You’ve gotten to the point where it’s hard to pull yourself out of bed to go to work. It’s not that you hate your job; it’s just that you feel like you’ve hit your peek in it. You don’t feel as challenged as you quite did when you first started.
It might be time for you to make a career pivot. Now, you might be thinking, “But I love my job and the people that I work with.” Not everyone changes jobs because their current one is awful.
It’s okay to make a switch if you no longer feel fulfilled. Keep reading to learn how to get started on your new journey.
Figure Out if You Need a Career Pivot
The first thing you have to do is figure out why. Why do you want a career change? Is it because the job you have right now is soul-sucking?
Do you want to try using the skills you’ve obtained elsewhere? Have you gone as far as you can go and are ready to take on new challenges? The reason for a pivot isn’t always cut and dry.
If you don’t know why you’re uprooting everything to make the shift, you may end up giving up halfway through or chicken out of putting in your two weeks.
Make a List of Your Skills
Now that you know why you want to walk down a new career path, it’s time to find out what your options are. Sit down and make a list of the skills you currently have.
You’ll be surprised to notice that many of them are transferable to other jobs. For example, if you work your way up in the retail food chain, you might be able to go into selling houses by taking a few classes at a Florida real estate school.
Learn a New Skill
Once you’ve written down all your skills, you realize something. You have a lot of them. Unfortunately, that may not be enough to help you break into the new career that you want.
Go on a job site and check out the common educational requirements for the field you want to get into. You may have to get a degree, or you may only need to take a few classes. Either way, it’s time to go back to school!
Do Some Networking
It can be hard to make a career pivot all on your own. The good news is that you don’t have to. Do a little digging and find out who the experts in your field are.
Once you know their names and faces, follow them on social media, and don’t be afraid to reach out to them. If you make a good first impression, they might be willing to give you some helpful advice.
Find Success in a Brand-New Career
Are you starting to get zero enjoyment from your current job? It might be time for you to make a career pivot. The change can be scary at first, but you should do just fine if you follow these steps.
If you start to feel out of place in your new career or feel your motivation slipping, check out the career tips section of our blog to get a little more job help.